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down started in 1991 when Scott returned from exile in San Francisco after an expensive recording session and the inevitable breakup of Snake River. Scott moved in with Chip Porter in Ypsilanti, MI, and started playing with Chip and R. Scott "Scooter" Kelly in an effort to form a band to back-up the crooning of Scott's brother, Tim. After just one practice, Tim got Brian Jones'd out of his own band. The name "down" (small-case, pretentious) was adopted by Scott, Chip and Scooter, though Chip later decided that "Clown" would be a better name. After two shows in Lansing, the "ride the pine" ep was recorded and released on Scott's Bonehead Rex label. Quick on the heels of their first record, down recorded more songs in the basement on Soren "Ape" Nine's four track, and in the spring of 1992 the "royal crown" ep was released.


In the spring of 1992, amid claims of Mussolini- like behavior of the band leader, Chip and Scooter quit. They rejoined Tim to play in Veronica Lake. After a few solo shows, and a brief and violent time playing bass in Apollo Nine, Scott started down going again with converted drummer Brian "Brad" Widdis on bass and Apollo Nine drummer Pat Bills. By the winter of 1992 down was out and about, performing live, and trying to hone a new sound.


Nothing was released by down until 1995, but the band continued its rigorous schedule of gigging occasionally in the tri-state area. The "Solid State" 7" was released in the summer. Next, down contributed tracks to two compilations and recorded a fourth single for release on the Boston-based Super Eight label. Before the new single was released, down became embroiled in serious legal negotiations. A settlement was agreed to, and down added the initials "mf" to their name. This was to differentiate themselves from a new band named "Down", featuring members of Crowbar, Corrosion of Conformity, and Pantera. Yeah, whatever. Pay us enough and we'll agree to anything.


1996 brought the release of the "Toast of the Town" single and more recording, mixing, erasing, splicing and generally burning up money at Woodshed Studios. You'd be surprised at how many stories about Angry Red Planet Tim Pak can make up when the studio clock is ticking and Scott is desperately trying to get someone to listen to his fifteenth synthesizer overdub. I still don't think A.R.P. headlined the 1984 "Us" Festival, no matter how many posters he shows me. But that's all water under the bridge, like the settlement money. The new CD, "Will Failure Spoil downmf?" comes out, and the rest is misery.


down mf's second lineup parted ways at the end of 1996. Brian and Pat Bills remained in Lansing, started drumming with the Clutters part-time and devoted more time to his graduated studies in pesticide research. Brian "Brad" Widdis started taking more dope photographs. Scott went on to Philadelphia and spent a really long time trying to get a new lineup together.


1998- The new downmf mach 3 lineup comes together- Peter Hanley on the drums, Janna Gilbert on the bass and Scott doing the same old thang. The song "Brixless" is recorded for an old hometown compilation, and the band prepares to gig.
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